Back to Healthy Life: 5 Ways to Prevent Heart Attack

Muhammad Usman Ali
4 min readJul 20, 2023


Do you know how many people die annually only because of heart attacks? According to recent studies, around 72,677 people died from cardiovascular disease in Canada. Everyone wants to live healthy and totally tension free of a heart attack. But unfortunately, they don’t really care about heart attack risk that much.
There is a rule worldwide that if you want to gain something, you have to sacrifice something.
Here are the 5 ways to prevent the risk of a heart attack.

Say Goodbye to Smoking:

There is a well-known quote you might have heard. NO PAIN, NO GAIN This quote perfectly fits the chain smokers. If you are a regular smoker and want to prevent a heart attack. You have to say goodbye to smoking.

When you smoke tobacco, what really happens? The Carcinogen in tobacco reduces the oxygen level in the blood, which causes high blood pressure. So if you want to ward off the risk of a heart attack reduce the use of tobacco.

Eat a Healthy Diet:

Many people around us don’t really take the diet seriously. Because of the busy routine, work to do, and many other daily life activities. Suppose you want to take the example of a car. What really happens when you don’t take care of your car, and change its oil? Over time car gets damaged

The same thing happens with our bodies. It needs a proper diet plan and a proper routine of foodstuffs. If we want to stay away from the risk of a heart attack. We must eat vegetables, beans, and fish, use vegetable oils, and avoid sugar, alcohol, and salts.

Always Check on Weight:

Do you remember when we were adults, 80% wanted to go into the Army? One of the most important initial tests was Body BMI. So the question arrives: what is actually BMI? The Body Mass Index (BMI) is basically weight to height ratio which decides whether you are Underweight, Overweight, or Normal.

For a healthy life, you have to maintain your weight according to height. The Taller you are the heavier you become. Another effort you can do to stop the risk of a heart attack.

Do Exercise Regularly:

According to recent studies done by Experts. For adults, approximately 2 hours of exercise is enough for a healthy life, and for children, 1 hour of exercise is fine. To tackle the danger of heart attack, you have to walk daily. I’m not saying run like a marathon: instead do a brisk walk.
What actually happens when you walk? It circulates the blood properly all around the body, from head to toe which strengthens the heart.

Perform Body checkup:

Most people get heart attacks only because of their family disease background. They get diseases from their forefathers. Some of the common diseases are Diabetes, Blood Pressure, and Cardiovascular attacks.

It’s not your fault that you inherited these diseases from your ancestors. But you can take some safety precautions to stay away from their Attacks. Like, get your body checkup done after every six months.


Preventing heart attacks is of utmost importance for a healthy and fulfilling life. The alarming number of annual deaths due to cardiovascular disease in Canada highlights the urgency of taking proactive steps to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

While there may be sacrifices involved, the rewards of a heart-healthy lifestyle far outweigh the temporary pleasures of unhealthy habits.

